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with The Korea Association Dance Leaders

Universities and colleges - dance specialized educational institutions

보라색 바지 춤

Association President's Greetings

The Korean Dance Instructors Association, an incorporated association, was launched in May 1997 and is a non-profit corporation of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Cultural Heritage Administration. It preserves and transmits the original values ​​of Korean dance, ballet and modern dance, trains professional personnel through the dissemination of dance and provides dance training. We want to lead art.

춤 공연

​Association Business

다채로운 공


Number of certificate holders


Dance competition winner


University issuing the certificate

Certificate of qualification

Status of KRIVET registered private qualifications

젊은 발레리나

Infant dance

  • Children's dance

  • instructor
    ballet instructor

댄스 공연하는 동안 손 스탠드

Pure dance

  • dance instructor

  • Korean dance instructor

  • ​Performing arts instructor

밸리 댄서

Practical dance

  • Broadcast dance instructor

  • belly dance instructor

  • jazz dance instructor

  • street dance instructor

  • Hula dance instructor

  • ​Musical dance instructor

요가 클래스

Practical sports dance

  • yogates instructor

  • Pilates instructor

  • dance sports instructor

  • Silver dance instructor

  • Physical education dance instructor


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